SIMPLE MONEY SYSTEMS II How to Budget, Manage Money, Pay Off Debt, Easy Budget, Save Money, Effective Budget, Money Tips, Special Needs Mom Budget, Holistic Budget, Spending Plan, One Income Budget
Are you a full-time mom and caregiver drowning in debt? Do you feel overwhelmed by paying bills on time, daily grocery shopping, and constantly running low on gas? Are you missing out on your life continuing to further drown in debt? Do you wish you had the step-by-step guidance to attain the financial stability that you desire? Would you like to invest more and spend less money? Are you ready to start living your dream with peace and confidence, and do things that bring you joy while caring for your loved one? You are in the right place. My mission is to equip special needs moms just like you with easy-to-understand money management tools through simple money systems so your money will finally start serving you, even as you care for a child with disabilities. In this podcast, you will find simple financial strategies that will free you from the debt keeping you up at night. You CAN gain confidence and control over your finances with a bold and simple budget. Hi, I’m Diana, a special needs Mom, a wife, and a successful business owner with over 20 years of accounting experience. I tried to pay off my credit cards, car and student loans, and my mortgage. But the more money I earned, the deeper in debt I grew. I finally realized that if I to find freedom in my finances, I needed a proven solution. So, using my accounting experience and years of research, trial and error, I created a plan that fit ME, a simple strategy that I could actually stick with, a lifestyle that made finances easy and fun. And now I am ready to share it with you! If you are ready for a step-by-step, simple, budget-based financial plan that is built for special needs moms in mind to get you out of debt, so that you can enjoy peace of mind, quality time with your kids, and more money in your pocket – this podcast is for you! Become an Insider: Connect on FB: Work With Me: Check my Offer:
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Show Notes:
Welcome to episode 19! Are you stuck with a high-interest-rate home loan? Let’s get deep into how it can serve to your advantage. You might be wondering if it’s even safe to invest in your home like making extra principal payments. In general, housing is an essential need and always will remain in value. Just by looking at the historical housing market it always going up. The home value may drop but eventually, it will pick up and rise. So it is a very safe investment.
Here is a recap of today's topic in what ways high interest rates can be useful.
It helps you to build your home equity
It provides tax interest write-offs
It prompts you to clean your credit history
It points you to invest in real estate
It teaches you about the real estate market
It urges you to develop a budgeting habit
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Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
18 II 7 Budget Myths Blocking You from Productive Money Management
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Show Notes:
My friend, what are your misconceptions about budgeting? How do you handle your finances? Have you found this information helpful in any way? I hope it stretched you, challenged you helping you to grow in your financial journey. Write down on a piece of paper everything preventing you from getting to your budget. Whether it is a lack of knowledge and time, fear of facing your financial standing, unfortunate circumstances, maybe it’s a pang of guilt, procrastination, or anything else. Take this list and acknowledge it line by line by seeking help to overcome one obstacle at a time. Please do it now. Pray about a clear mind, about strength in your daily journey working on a great mission with your exceptional child. Start your fearless budgeting by scheduling a free 10-15-minute discovery call with me to find out how you can jump-start your budget. Sign up for a free community membership with like-minded Moms just like you on Simple Money Systems Facebook Group. Become an insider and sign up for my weekly emails with encouragement and advice tips. Contact me with any questions you might have. Home finances can be confusing but are so rewarding once you are on top of them. I would love to make it easier for you by hearing your thoughts and concerns. Take action now. If not now then it might be never – get your financial roadmap today!
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Friday Jan 12, 2024
17 II Loose 15 Lbs in 30 Days on Budget Eating 5 Times a Day
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Friday Jan 12, 2024
Show Notes:
You can eat 5 times a day, cook once maybe twice a week, do grocery shopping once a week, and kiss your grocery receipt! How does it sound?
First, eat your breakfast. It must include lean proteins, some whole grains preferably cooked, and a load of fresh greens and veggies. Similar food ingredients for lunch. And for dinner same ingredients but grains. That’s it! How much simpler it can be? I also eat two snacks. Morning snuck between breakfast and lunch and afternoon snuck between Lunch and Dinner time. For my morning snack, I eat one fruit and for my afternoon snack, I take a closed fist of nuts. And friends, drink at least a gallon or 4 liters of water per day, please! One more very important advice: avoid consuming sugar in all shapes and forms at all costs.
I lost 15 pounds or 6.5 kilograms in 30 days by keeping this simple meal plan system. Use a grocery shopping list to keep your bank intact. Share your meal pictures and meal planning questions in FB private free group for accountability and support. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Show Notes:
You need to take these 3 steps right now to start your budget work for you:
Track your daily expenses during your nightly routine time in one system like an Excel spreadsheet. Lit up candles, use an essential oils diffuser, and play soft music to establish a serene and peaceful atmosphere when you reflect on the day behind. Leave it there with a grateful heart, knowing that what you accomplished today is sufficient and you gave your best effort.
Get your weekend Money Squad Time established – review the week’s expenses and prep for the upcoming week.
Close your Month-end and not just books – clean your Apps and files, purge your email inbox, and file your statements. Then review the past month's finances and adjust your budget for the upcoming month.
Incorporate these habits into your life. Make your finances part of your daily, weekly, and monthly routines.
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Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
16 II Why Your Budget Is Not Working - Do 3 Things Now
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Show Notes:
You need to take these 3 steps right now to start your budget work for you:
Track your daily expenses during your nightly routine time in one system like an Excel spreadsheet. Lit up candles, use an essential oils diffuser, and play soft music to establish a serene and peaceful atmosphere when you reflect on the day behind. Leave it there with a grateful heart, knowing that what you accomplished today is sufficient and you gave your best effort.
Get your weekend Money Squad Time established – review the week’s expenses and prep for the upcoming week.
Close your Month-end and not just books – clean your Apps and files, purge your email inbox, and file your statements. Then review the past month's finances and adjust your budget for the upcoming month.
Incorporate these habits into your life. Make your finances part of your daily, weekly, and monthly routines.
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Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
15 II Money Making Mindset – 3 strategies for financial growth
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Show Notes:
Improving financial confidence is a gradual process that involves both practical actions and a positive mindset. By taking proactive steps and staying committed to your financial goals, you can build confidence in your ability to manage and improve your financial well-being. Remember, attracting money is often a result of a combination of practical financial habits, continuous learning, and a positive mindset. It's not about seeking quick fixes but rather adopting a holistic approach to financial well-being. Commitment and consistency will get you there!
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Monday Dec 25, 2023
Monday Dec 25, 2023
Show Notes:
Improving financial confidence is a gradual process involving practical actions and a positive mindset. By taking proactive steps and staying committed to your financial goals, you can build confidence in your ability to manage and improve your financial well-being.
Take a good self-care
Have a structured routine
Create an inviting desk area
Organize financial paperwork
Have a paper planner
Know your money in and out
Have a financial plan
Learn new habits
Seek financial counseling
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Friday Dec 22, 2023
13 II Christmas Valuable Treasure – Your Special Child is Born
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Friday Dec 22, 2023
Show Notes:
Today I would like to reflect on a very sacred topic about the most valuable treasure of a special child that once was born. You have your gem right in front of you. Take a closer look. Pick it up from the dirt, wash it, gently wrap it in a fine cloth, bring it to the sunlight, and get your magnifying glass out – you will see so many sparkles! Let it shine in you and through you! Let it be your blessing in disguise. Bring it to the others and those running with no stop missing on the most important, who are broke and lost. To those whose dreams were stolen with no hopes. Bring them a sense of a fresh start, new hope, and endless possibilities. Let them pause, and let them see the sunshine in the clouds. Let them know that their unfavorable circumstances will turn out to be even more beneficial and advantageous than they could ever imagine otherwise. Be that star in the darkest sky, let them find a way to the manger where the Child is born.
“We need to live, we have to live, we should live a life worth living for!” Diana Galas
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Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Show Notes:
6 strategies on how to have more money
Create a Budget
Identify Essential vs. Non-Essential Expenses
Prioritize Basic Needs
Build an Emergency Fund
Save for Goals
Review and adjust
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Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
11 II Start your New Year Right - Establish Priorities for Financial Success
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Show Notes
Success means personal fulfillment, happiness, and a sense of accomplishment. So, to experience such success I have created a roadmap so that by the end of the next year when you look back you will feel more accomplished and successful, right? See God placed us – human beings on this earth as the highest authority to rule over it, cultivate it, and care for it. Money is one of the main factors in how to do it effectively.
Financial success means achieving one's financial goals and the ability to meet personal or lifestyle needs without significant financial stress. It goes beyond the simple accumulation of wealth and can include various aspects such as financial stability, debt management, investment growth, budgeting skills, special needs planning, and financial freedom. Also, more detailed personal and financial goals can include homeownership, education, or starting a business.
Clearly identify short-term and long-term goals
Group your goals into categories
Categorize your goals based on their urgency and importance
Align priorities with your values
Evaluate the time and effort required for each task or goal
Balance short-term and long-term goals
Regularly assess and adjust your priorities
Learn to say no – understand your limits
Develop a plan to address your priorities systematically
Consult with trusted friends, coaches, or advisors to gain different perspectives on your priorities
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Friday Dec 08, 2023
Friday Dec 08, 2023
Show Notes:
Episode 10: 3 Steps on How to Systemize Your Bill Pay – Use Online Bill Pay to Save Time and Money
Have your Bill Pay folder set up with two dividers: one labeled Bills to pay by Credit Card and the other one Bills to pay with online banking. Have the Bill Pay folder ready for your “Money Squad” time.
Establish your “Money Squad” time, preferably at the end of the day and during your nightly routine.
Enter bills to online banking bill pay as they come.
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Visit Episode 4